an elegant solution.

easy and safe.
Adequate care of the central venous catheter is extra challenging, specifically in jugular positions. For this CVC position, FlexGRIP provides the Horse shoe adhesive patch with a hydrocolloid adhesive that allows a 180°-turn of the catheter towards the chest.
Full range; 4,5 - 9 Fr
Skin-safe hydrocolloid adhesive
Superior securement; three point fixation
Low profile & cushioning catheter retainer
180 degree turn of the catheter
CVC secured on the chest
Prevent CVC dislodgement and migration
Reduce CLABSI by reducing catheter pistoning and skin-disruption from sutures
Prevents MARSI
Enhanced patient comfort
Allowing easy access to extension sets
Eliminating complications related to neck motion and beard growth under the dressing
how to apply
get in touch
Do you have a question for us? Want to know more about one of our products or have an inquiry? Please get in touch. We're here to help, and we would love to tell you more about FlexGRIP and all of its benefits.